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In my pricing policy, I do not differentiate between celebrities and non-celebrities or whether someone appears to have more money than someone else. My core work remains the same, and I am only concerned with these factors if the individual themselves has an issue with it. In such cases, it becomes part of the therapy, but it is not a criterion for my evaluations.


The 21-day challenge in groups of 4 people costs $9,800 USD per person.


If I conduct a challenge with a single individual, which may happen for various reasons, that person must cover the cost of the three missing spots. Alternatively, they can fill the empty spots with family members or bandmates (in the case of a band, these should ideally be considered their substitute family). This means that a challenge will always cost $39,000 USD for 21 days, regardless of whether there is one, two, three, or four participants.


This should be decided and discussed on a case-by-case basis, rather than pragmatically. A single individual challenge is much more intense than, for example, bringing your two children into the therapy. The more we aim to address, and the more severe the condition, the more I would recommend an individual challenge.


If you choose to come to a location I select for the challenge, the price includes daily therapies, manual treatments, herbs, accommodations, and all necessary food.


If you select the location, you will be responsible for arranging suitable accommodations for yourself.


Should the challenge take place in your private home, for example in Los Angeles, I will find an appropriate accommodation for myself nearby.



If you are interested in regular group challenges with 3 unfamiliar people, then check out my website 

Hidden Challenges

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